Funeral Discounts

  • Don't wait any longer to arrange your funeral services.

  • No down payment required

  • Easy payments of 3,5,8 years are available.

  • Today you have the opportunity to freeze your services with your first payment.

  • We have 10 to 40% discounts in funeral homes.

a group of people hugging each other in a church
a group of people hugging each other in a church
a very big nice looking church with a big table
a very big nice looking church with a big table
A cross with vines growing on it in front of a forest
A cross with vines growing on it in front of a forest

Our services

  • Lands for cemeteries in different cities

  • Flowers

  • Gravestones

  • Memorial T-shirts and accessories

  • Transportation to Mexico

  • Objects for cremation storage and more

Your reliable partner in funeral services

We accompany you and help you in the most adverse situations.


About us

We are a company dedicated to facilitate all the processes and procedures involved in the loss of a loved one. We offer you cemetery plots in different cities, flowers, headstones, accessories, t-shirts, cremation objects.

turned off laptop computer on top of brown wooden table

In one of the most difficult moments of my life, this company made everything a little easier, allowing me to concentrate on mourning.

María López

a group of men standing around a wooden bench
a group of men standing around a wooden bench

Their support was invaluable, they took care of absolutely everything. Faced with the loss of a loved one I didn't know how to act or what to do and they knew how to solve it.

Juan Pérez

a wicker basket with flowers in it on a conveyor belt
a wicker basket with flowers in it on a conveyor belt

Helping families in times of tragedy.

We have had the great opportunity to support more than 100 families in such desperate and deeply saddening moments as the loss of a loved one.

man holding laptop bag walking on street
man holding laptop bag walking on street




Supported Families